Life as a Dental Hygiene Student: Part 2- Finals Week

* NOTE: Looking back on this, the same rules apply when it comes to studying and taking Board exams. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF during this won't regret it!

On Monday and Tuesday of this past week, I had to take my 6 finals to end my 3rd semester of dental hygiene school at Utah College of Dental Hygiene. read that right.  I took 6 finals in 2 days.  Let me tell you something that really isn't a secret: finals week is the worst week of my life.  I am probably a terrible wife during finals week because we eat frozen pizza for dinner, there is no such thing as breakfast, the apartment is a mess and dishes are the last thing on my mind.  I am also grumpy, moody, and am quite self-centered because I think about myself and my grades rather than my family and friends.
For those who have read my post Life as a Dental Hygiene Student (which, by the way, has been the most viewed post on my blog, probably because of my impeccable insight...kidding) you know that dental hygiene school is SO fun, but SO HARD.  Here's a little something to describe what life is like the week before leading up to finals, and finals week.

The weekend before the weekend before your finals (confusing, I know): It's your last weekend as a free man (or woman...actually, most likely woman, but you could be a man too).  So you go out with friends, leaving the books under the bed so you don't have to think about studying until you really have to.  You go out to dinner, go shopping, stay up late, catch up on all the TV shows you've been so far behind on, etc.  It's the best weekend of the semester, really.  You don't have a care in the world, because you don't really have to care about anything because finals are at least 10 days away.

The week before finals: You have your study plan, but you don't listen to it because you're still on an all-time high from the past weekend.  You had so much fun not thinking about school that you choose to still not think about school.  You may get through a couple powerpoints, or maybe even read a chapter or two of you Dental Materials book (haha that's definitely a joke.  I didn't pick that book up all semester).  But at least the Monday-Wednesday of this week, you really don't stress too much about finals.  But then Thursday comes.  You say in your head, "Oh my gooooooosh I have 3 finals on Monday and I haven't really started studying.  I'm gonna die.  I'm going to fail."  Then you actually start studying...maybe.  You're so overwhelmed from the thought of studying that you just need a break, so you go hang out with friends and drown your sorrows in ice cream (not that I know from previous experience or anything...).

The weekend before finals: aka Cram Time.  You stay up so late, possibly even pulling all nighters, just so you can catch up on all the studying that you didn't do when you are supposed to.  This is the point where you also take many Facebook breaks, pin things on Pinterest, and think it's a good idea for you to watch TV and study at the same time.  Let's face it, you still aren't being productive, but that's all relative.  You still have your moments when you buckle down and really work hard.  Good for you!

First day of finals:  It's a Monday, and you have 3 finals.  You plan out how long it will take you to finish each test, figure out the order of your tests, and then plan how you're going to cram in the rest of your studying.  This is really vital time.  I swear, sometimes I learn more within this time than I do after a few days of studying.  This is a good time to study with friends and see whether they covered something you didn't.  It's also a great time to talk out loud, read the slides, and then practice reciting the things you learn.  Reading it, saying it, repeating it, and hearing other people say it is really helpful.
By the end of the day, YOU. ARE. EXHAUSTED. But wait! You can't take a nap because you need to brush up on the material that are on tomorrows 3 finals.  It seems like a never ending cycle.  Now you don't know what to do.  Do you stay up late and study? Do you go to bed early?  Do you even study at all?

Second day of Finals:  This is my roughest day, by far.  Let me describe how my day went.  I wake up, later than I planned, but still before the crack of dawn because I need to do a liiiiittle more studying.  I study as much as I can until I have to get ready.  Then, the biggest question of them all comes to your head: "What do I wear?!"  Finals week is a week where we don't have to wear scrubs.  It's so nice to wear street clothes during these days.  I feel like a normal human being.  But unfortunately, you really don't look or feel all that great.  I decide to wear a beanie on the second day of finals.  No, not because it's cold or because it's cute; it's because I haven't washed my hair in 5 days, and I used dry shampoo the past 2.  So on with the hat.  I feel gross because I'm wearing yesterday's eyeliner and I have dark circles under my eyes, which  I can't tell whether it's because I'm tired, or my eyeliner and mascara gave me racoon eyes.  All hopes of looking cute on the last day of school goes out the window.  I get to school and repeat what I did on Day 1.  Then, all of the sudden, it's all over.  I'M DONE! I go home, see my husband, and I'm so tired that I can't even cry with joy or cry because I feel so overwhelmed because my finals seemed impossible.  So I [finally] go and take a shower and just lay on the bed or the couch the rest of the night, bumming it, eating all the Christmas cookies I can get away with.

Christmas Break: I am so excited to be done with school!  I finally can eat 3 meals a day, sleep in, and catch up on TV shows, see my friends, and spend time with my husband without being cranky.  This is the time where I finally get to go and see my family, and relax.  Kurt is taking some time off of work so we can be together, and I am so grateful for that.  I am so happy to get a break from school and recharge my battery.  Dental hygiene school is a physically, emotionally, and mentally draining experience.  A 2 1/2 week break is much needed by my classmates and me (and probably for our roommates, friends, and husbands too because they're tired of hearing us whine and complain).  Kurt and I will be spending Christmas with my family.  We are so happy to be able to see them.

If you're looking to go into Dental Hygiene, or you're already admitted, or you're prepping for your own finals week, or you just really need some help, here are a few things I have learned during my 3 5 finals weeks I've experienced while in school.

Tips For Finals Week
- Dress Comfortably: At BYU, I always would try to dress cute.  My motto was, "Well, if I fail, at least I looked good doing it." False. Don't do that.  I would spend an hour curling my hair instead of studying (aka I wasted time).  Now I don't mean to be hating on people who actually put a lot of effort into what they wear during finals week.  But I realized that I'm sitting in a chair for several hours being tested on the most important things I need to know, and the last thing I want to worry about is that a curl is out of place, that my shoes hurt my feet, and that I should've worn a more comfortable pair of jeans.  Dress comfortably, but don't look like a bum.

- Eat Right:  Eat breakfast during finals week.  You'll have more energy.  Plus, don't bring snacks that don't do anything to fill you up or give you energy.  You're brain needs more fuel, so give it fuel! The bag of Doritos probably isn't the greatest choice.  If it's all you have though, by all means go for it.  Something is better than nothing.  For lunch during finals week, Kurt & his cousin, KA, made me salads.  Best. Lunches. Ever.  When you eat right, you feel good.  When you feel good, you do well.  When you do well, you're happy.  To me, it's a no brainer.  Also, bring snacks.  Snacking on veggies and fruits was a lifesaver this semester and during finals week.

- SLEEP: Pulling all-nighters is seriously the most absurd thing I have ever heard of.  I've never heard of someone doing better by cramming with an all-nighter (unless they really hadn't done ANY studying before hand and you never went to class or read your book or did any homework...again, something is better than nothing).  But I HIGHLY discourage all-nighters.  To me, sleep is extremely valuable and a rare commodity during dental hygiene school.  Any sleep you can get, TAKE IT! Naps? PLEASE DO! All-nighters? STAAAAHHHHP.

- Stay Clean: Yeah...not washing my hair for 5 days is kiiiiinda extreme.  Dry shampoo has been a lifesaver in dental hygiene school.  Best investment I've ever made (besides all the money I put towards tuition and becoming a dental hygienist).  But staying clean just makes you feel better.  Do I need to repeat myself? (When you feel good, you do well.  When you do well, you're happy. Refer to Eat Right section)

- EXERCISE: I cannot emphasize this enough.  Not even just during finals week, but at all times.  You always seem to have more time, more energy, and you just feel good. Again, do I need to repeat myself?Also, dental hygiene takes a toll on your body.  If you don't really have muscles in your back, or you don't stretch, sitting in a chair bent over a patient may not be super fun for you.

Hard Work:  When it came to finals week, it was really hard for me to study, because I felt like I knew it all.  Guess what? I did know it all (okay maybe not all of it, but I knew a lot) because I worked hard during the semester so I could do well on my homework and my quizzes.  When it came time for finals, it was more of reviewing information rather than learning information that I didn't understand when I was first taught it.

- Do Your Best: If your best is a 85%, then you did your best and that's what matters.  It took me a while to learn that my best isn't always an A.  I was always a B average student, with the occasional C.  I will tell you though, your "best" should always be changing.  If it's not improving, you're not pushing yourself.  I know that right now instead of being B average with a C, I get all A's and 1 B a semester.  Obviously it varies with the level of difficulty of the classes, what else is going on in your life, etc.  But you always know what your best is, and you can always make your best, better.
When I started school, my perspective of my "best", was really flawed.  I started school as a B average student in a sea of A average students.  Girls would cry when they got their first B, and it made me really sad because they were upset with the same score that was my best score.  I got really down on myself because I was an underachiever in a class of overachievers.  That made me start working a lot harder.  But I worked harder for the wrong reason.  I studied more than I ever had because I was worried what my classmates would think of me if I got an 80%.  When I realized that I was working hard for other people, I had to switch my perspective.  I needed to start working hard for ME.  Not anyone else.  I decided to work hard to make myself proud.  And I am proud of myself.  I'm proud of my grades, and all the work I've done to be who I am now as a person and as a Dental hygiene student.  Don't give up.  Work hard.  You'll make it!  You're best is always what is required of you.  If your best is a 99%, and 82% or a 65% (I'm telling you, sometimes my best was a 52%), it's still good enough.

Here is a link to my first post, "Life as a Dental Hygiene Student".

Happy Holidays from the Witt Family!  Sending you warmest wishes during this time of year from cold and icy Orem, Utah.

Life as a Dental Hygiene Student: Part 2- Finals Week

* NOTE: Looking back on this, the same rules apply when it comes to studying and taking Board exams. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF during this won't regret it!

On Monday and Tuesday of this past week, I had to take my 6 finals to end my 3rd semester of dental hygiene school at Utah College of Dental Hygiene. read that right.  I took 6 finals in 2 days.  Let me tell you something that really isn't a secret: finals week is the worst week of my life.  I am probably a terrible wife during finals week because we eat frozen pizza for dinner, there is no such thing as breakfast, the apartment is a mess and dishes are the last thing on my mind.  I am also grumpy, moody, and am quite self-centered because I think about myself and my grades rather than my family and friends.
For those who have read my post Life as a Dental Hygiene Student (which, by the way, has been the most viewed post on my blog, probably because of my impeccable insight...kidding) you know that dental hygiene school is SO fun, but SO HARD.  Here's a little something to describe what life is like the week before leading up to finals, and finals week.

The weekend before the weekend before your finals (confusing, I know): It's your last weekend as a free man (or woman...actually, most likely woman, but you could be a man too).  So you go out with friends, leaving the books under the bed so you don't have to think about studying until you really have to.  You go out to dinner, go shopping, stay up late, catch up on all the TV shows you've been so far behind on, etc.  It's the best weekend of the semester, really.  You don't have a care in the world, because you don't really have to care about anything because finals are at least 10 days away.

The week before finals: You have your study plan, but you don't listen to it because you're still on an all-time high from the past weekend.  You had so much fun not thinking about school that you choose to still not think about school.  You may get through a couple powerpoints, or maybe even read a chapter or two of you Dental Materials book (haha that's definitely a joke.  I didn't pick that book up all semester).  But at least the Monday-Wednesday of this week, you really don't stress too much about finals.  But then Thursday comes.  You say in your head, "Oh my gooooooosh I have 3 finals on Monday and I haven't really started studying.  I'm gonna die.  I'm going to fail."  Then you actually start studying...maybe.  You're so overwhelmed from the thought of studying that you just need a break, so you go hang out with friends and drown your sorrows in ice cream (not that I know from previous experience or anything...).

The weekend before finals: aka Cram Time.  You stay up so late, possibly even pulling all nighters, just so you can catch up on all the studying that you didn't do when you are supposed to.  This is the point where you also take many Facebook breaks, pin things on Pinterest, and think it's a good idea for you to watch TV and study at the same time.  Let's face it, you still aren't being productive, but that's all relative.  You still have your moments when you buckle down and really work hard.  Good for you!

First day of finals:  It's a Monday, and you have 3 finals.  You plan out how long it will take you to finish each test, figure out the order of your tests, and then plan how you're going to cram in the rest of your studying.  This is really vital time.  I swear, sometimes I learn more within this time than I do after a few days of studying.  This is a good time to study with friends and see whether they covered something you didn't.  It's also a great time to talk out loud, read the slides, and then practice reciting the things you learn.  Reading it, saying it, repeating it, and hearing other people say it is really helpful.
By the end of the day, YOU. ARE. EXHAUSTED. But wait! You can't take a nap because you need to brush up on the material that are on tomorrows 3 finals.  It seems like a never ending cycle.  Now you don't know what to do.  Do you stay up late and study? Do you go to bed early?  Do you even study at all?

Second day of Finals:  This is my roughest day, by far.  Let me describe how my day went.  I wake up, later than I planned, but still before the crack of dawn because I need to do a liiiiittle more studying.  I study as much as I can until I have to get ready.  Then, the biggest question of them all comes to your head: "What do I wear?!"  Finals week is a week where we don't have to wear scrubs.  It's so nice to wear street clothes during these days.  I feel like a normal human being.  But unfortunately, you really don't look or feel all that great.  I decide to wear a beanie on the second day of finals.  No, not because it's cold or because it's cute; it's because I haven't washed my hair in 5 days, and I used dry shampoo the past 2.  So on with the hat.  I feel gross because I'm wearing yesterday's eyeliner and I have dark circles under my eyes, which  I can't tell whether it's because I'm tired, or my eyeliner and mascara gave me racoon eyes.  All hopes of looking cute on the last day of school goes out the window.  I get to school and repeat what I did on Day 1.  Then, all of the sudden, it's all over.  I'M DONE! I go home, see my husband, and I'm so tired that I can't even cry with joy or cry because I feel so overwhelmed because my finals seemed impossible.  So I [finally] go and take a shower and just lay on the bed or the couch the rest of the night, bumming it, eating all the Christmas cookies I can get away with.

Christmas Break: I am so excited to be done with school!  I finally can eat 3 meals a day, sleep in, and catch up on TV shows, see my friends, and spend time with my husband without being cranky.  This is the time where I finally get to go and see my family, and relax.  Kurt is taking some time off of work so we can be together, and I am so grateful for that.  I am so happy to get a break from school and recharge my battery.  Dental hygiene school is a physically, emotionally, and mentally draining experience.  A 2 1/2 week break is much needed by my classmates and me (and probably for our roommates, friends, and husbands too because they're tired of hearing us whine and complain).  Kurt and I will be spending Christmas with my family.  We are so happy to be able to see them.

If you're looking to go into Dental Hygiene, or you're already admitted, or you're prepping for your own finals week, or you just really need some help, here are a few things I have learned during my 3 5 finals weeks I've experienced while in school.

Tips For Finals Week
- Dress Comfortably: At BYU, I always would try to dress cute.  My motto was, "Well, if I fail, at least I looked good doing it." False. Don't do that.  I would spend an hour curling my hair instead of studying (aka I wasted time).  Now I don't mean to be hating on people who actually put a lot of effort into what they wear during finals week.  But I realized that I'm sitting in a chair for several hours being tested on the most important things I need to know, and the last thing I want to worry about is that a curl is out of place, that my shoes hurt my feet, and that I should've worn a more comfortable pair of jeans.  Dress comfortably, but don't look like a bum.

- Eat Right:  Eat breakfast during finals week.  You'll have more energy.  Plus, don't bring snacks that don't do anything to fill you up or give you energy.  You're brain needs more fuel, so give it fuel! The bag of Doritos probably isn't the greatest choice.  If it's all you have though, by all means go for it.  Something is better than nothing.  For lunch during finals week, Kurt & his cousin, KA, made me salads.  Best. Lunches. Ever.  When you eat right, you feel good.  When you feel good, you do well.  When you do well, you're happy.  To me, it's a no brainer.  Also, bring snacks.  Snacking on veggies and fruits was a lifesaver this semester and during finals week.

- SLEEP: Pulling all-nighters is seriously the most absurd thing I have ever heard of.  I've never heard of someone doing better by cramming with an all-nighter (unless they really hadn't done ANY studying before hand and you never went to class or read your book or did any homework...again, something is better than nothing).  But I HIGHLY discourage all-nighters.  To me, sleep is extremely valuable and a rare commodity during dental hygiene school.  Any sleep you can get, TAKE IT! Naps? PLEASE DO! All-nighters? STAAAAHHHHP.

- Stay Clean: Yeah...not washing my hair for 5 days is kiiiiinda extreme.  Dry shampoo has been a lifesaver in dental hygiene school.  Best investment I've ever made (besides all the money I put towards tuition and becoming a dental hygienist).  But staying clean just makes you feel better.  Do I need to repeat myself? (When you feel good, you do well.  When you do well, you're happy. Refer to Eat Right section)

- EXERCISE: I cannot emphasize this enough.  Not even just during finals week, but at all times.  You always seem to have more time, more energy, and you just feel good. Again, do I need to repeat myself?Also, dental hygiene takes a toll on your body.  If you don't really have muscles in your back, or you don't stretch, sitting in a chair bent over a patient may not be super fun for you.

Hard Work:  When it came to finals week, it was really hard for me to study, because I felt like I knew it all.  Guess what? I did know it all (okay maybe not all of it, but I knew a lot) because I worked hard during the semester so I could do well on my homework and my quizzes.  When it came time for finals, it was more of reviewing information rather than learning information that I didn't understand when I was first taught it.

- Do Your Best: If your best is a 85%, then you did your best and that's what matters.  It took me a while to learn that my best isn't always an A.  I was always a B average student, with the occasional C.  I will tell you though, your "best" should always be changing.  If it's not improving, you're not pushing yourself.  I know that right now instead of being B average with a C, I get all A's and 1 B a semester.  Obviously it varies with the level of difficulty of the classes, what else is going on in your life, etc.  But you always know what your best is, and you can always make your best, better.
When I started school, my perspective of my "best", was really flawed.  I started school as a B average student in a sea of A average students.  Girls would cry when they got their first B, and it made me really sad because they were upset with the same score that was my best score.  I got really down on myself because I was an underachiever in a class of overachievers.  That made me start working a lot harder.  But I worked harder for the wrong reason.  I studied more than I ever had because I was worried what my classmates would think of me if I got an 80%.  When I realized that I was working hard for other people, I had to switch my perspective.  I needed to start working hard for ME.  Not anyone else.  I decided to work hard to make myself proud.  And I am proud of myself.  I'm proud of my grades, and all the work I've done to be who I am now as a person and as a Dental hygiene student.  Don't give up.  Work hard.  You'll make it!  You're best is always what is required of you.  If your best is a 99%, and 82% or a 65% (I'm telling you, sometimes my best was a 52%), it's still good enough.

Here is a link to my first post, "Life as a Dental Hygiene Student".

Happy Holidays from the Witt Family!  Sending you warmest wishes during this time of year from cold and icy Orem, Utah.

December Fun

For those of you who read our blog [okay...MY blog], I am sorry I haven't written in a while.  I know all of my die hard followers are extremely eager to learn about what BK [Big Kurt] and I have been up to.  Our lives are so exciting, it's probably been really hard for you to handle the fact that you don't know much about our lives from the middle of November to now.  But FEAR NOT! I am back, writing a long blog post the night before I take my last 3 finals.  So, for all of you who miss reading about the Witt Family, for my classmates who should be studying instead of reading this (because we all know that Pain Control is going to kick our butts tomorrow), or for those who really are in need of a study break because you're actually a good student, here you go!

Here's a little play-by-play of what's been going on with us :)

November 22-24: Kurt flew to Indiana to watch his brother, Jason, run at Nationals.  Jason runs Cross Country for BYU.  Since he is a senior in Cross Country, it was his last race.  I'm so glad Kurt was able to go.  I, on the other hand, stayed behind to "hold down the fort" in Orem.  It was the first time we had been apart since we've been married.  It was so hard to "hold down the fort" that I went and slept at my twin sister's apartment instead, and then made my way up to Ogden to spend time with Ryan and Kaylynn.  It was so much fun to spend time with family while Kurt was away.  Although I missed Kurt terribly, I'm glad we both got to be with other family members while we were apart.

November 27-30:  I had 2 days of school after Kurt came home from Indiana, and then Thanksgiving break started! I was so excited.  BK and I went back up to Ogden to Ryan & Kaylynn's house and spent the next several days with them.  We always have a good time while we are there.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving together.  Shelly, Will, Alex, Brett & Rachel, and Jason & Faith all came up on Thanksgiving and we had dinner and played games together.  Well, Kurt played games while I got to hold my niece, Rachel.  She has a little special place in my heart (being my only niece) and we had some great auntie & niece bonding time.  It's so much fun to see how Alex, Brett & Dallin are growing.  They are such great boys, and are all so unbelievably smart.  I am quite proud of them!  We spend the day after Thanksgiving setting up Ryan & Kaylynn's christmas tree.  Well, everyone but me.  For some reason, I just watched.  I probably should have helped now that I think about it.  But I had way too much fun watching Dallin waving around branches of the tree saying, "Tree life.  Tree life.  Tree life."  That, my friends, is him talking about the Tree of Life.  People, this child is 2 years old.  I don't know about you, [but I'm feeling 22...kidding] but I think that's pretty incredible.  But Dallin has now learned that it is a "Chri-mas tree" rather than the Tree of Life.  Anyways, we had a wonderful time with them, and we are eager to go back and visit.
That Saturday was also the day we went to the temple for the month of November (I know, I know -- going the last day of the month isn't exactly ideal).  We were able to go to the Bountiful Temple in Bountiful, UT.  It was the 9th temple we've been to, (This week we are planning to go to the Salt Lake City Temple) and I'm so glad we've kept our little tradition of going to the temple every month.

In addition to the exciting things that happened to us, my beautiful twin sister, Christine, got engaged! Kurt and I are so excited for her and Payton, and I am definitely looking forward to having a "brother" in the Sienicki Family.

December 4:  Faith was super nice and invited us to her work party (she works for NuSkin).  We had dinner there, and then had a wonderful time listening to a private concert by Leann Rimes.  It was so much fun and we had a blast spending time with Jason and Faith.  We have also played many Monopoly games with them the past week or so.  Kurt has yet to win a game, but Jason and I are fairly good at holding our own.

December 6: Ward Christmas Party!  We went to a CATERED ward party that Friday night.  The food was sooo good.  I ate my weight in Ham.  We decorated a gingerbread house with our friends in the ward, but we didn't win the decorating competition.  That's okay though, because we had fun with our friends.  But, Kurt and I have come to the conclusion that we are terrible at guessing games.  They had a table with jars full of candy, and you got to guess how many pieces of candy were in the jar, and the prize was that you got to take it home.  We guess on ALL of the jars (about 12 or so) and we didn't win anything.  Nada. Zero. Nothing.  Good thing we have plenty of candy for Kurt at home.

December 7: Today was the day we planned on going to the SLC temple for the month of December and see the lights at Temple Square.  Well...the weather was TERRIBLE, so we couldn't drive to SLC safely.  Instead, we went to Malawi's pizza and Provo Beach Resort.  I noticed 2 things that night: 1) I can down an entire pizza in 10 minutes. 2) I am terrible at all things bowling, DDR, and Skeeball related.   Good thing my husband's love for me isn't based off of my arcade game skills.

December 11: We went on a triple date with Christine and Alex and went and saw Frozen.  It was such a cute movie! Plus, the opening and closing song of the movie was a song that I sang when I was in the BYU Women's Chorus, so I freaked out at the very beginning.  It was a sign that I was going to love the movie, for sure. I highly recommend going and seeing it.  I loved the music and the fun story line.  Although, I cannot agree with Elsa when she says, "The cold never bothered me anyway." Yeah...sure, of course below freezing temperatures never bother me.  All I have to do is wear a sparkly dress and I'm good to go! Nope...definitely not the case.  Our apartment is 76 degrees everyday and I'm always wearing a sweatshirt or have a blanket.  I'm California grown. Anyways, cute movie and fantastic music (I'm a big Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, and Demi Lovato fan, so the music was my favorite part).

December 13: I went and spent time with my beautiful friend Jana, and was able to catch up over hot chocolate and cookies.  I miss seeing so many of my friends, but it's so fun hearing about what they are doing and how excited they are about their life and their future.  

December 15:  Kurt and I were given tickets (from Jenny) to Music and the Spoken Work and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert on Sunday morning.  It was absolutely incredible.  It makes me miss singing.  I sang in BYU Women's Chorus for 2 years, and it definitely made me miss singing in a Christmas concert myself. Deborah Voigt and John Rhys-Davies were so incredible to watch.  It was such an uplifting experience, and really made me look forward to the Christmas season even more.

After that, we went and had dinner KA (Kurt's cousin) and Clint's (her husband) place for dinner.  They have the cutest, most lively daughter, Kate the Great.  She is so much fun to play with, and can always make you laugh.  Plus, she always laughs at what you do, so she's great at building your confidence.  We had such a fun time playing dominos with them.  As we were playing, we were all really impressed with how quiet she was being, until we turned around.  Kate got into my purse, found my lipstick, and put [almost] the entire tube on her face.  She looked so beautiful.  I had no attachment to that lipstick whatsoever, and I'm sure Kate got a lot more out of it than I ever would have, so I'm more than grateful that she was able to take it off my hands.  She also found my full pack of Starbursts as well.  She didn't open those, but maybe my purse will be the future source of special treats and snacks once she is older.  Thank you KA, Clint, and Kate the Great for the fun times and the great laughs!

Today it is December 16th, 3 finals away from my 2 1/2 weeks of freedom from Dental Hygiene school.  I am so grateful for all that I have been able to learn this semester.  I know the next 2 are going to be more difficult than ever, but I am excited to gain more knowledge on something that I love to do.  Now, I probably should get back to studying for my 3 finals (seriously...3 finals? Who does that on the last day of school?!).  Below is a list of our favorite things about this December, and some pictures from some of the moments written about above.

December Favorites
Christmas Song: Kelly Clarkson- Underneath the Tree
TV Shows:
Kurt- Shark Tank, Monday Night Football
Alexis- The Voice, The Singoff, Project Runway, Once Upon A Time
Cookies: Sugar cookies 
Drink: Raspberry Cheesecake Hot Chocolate
New Gadget: Apple TV
Favorite Thing About the Christmas Season:
Kurt- music on the radio, inexpensive candy, and "watching lots of people think they're getting really good deals when they're actually not"
Alexis- the music and no school
Winter Activity: staying warm inside (Kurt says, "Cuddling and watching movies as we drink hot chocolate.")

This kid just cracks me up!

Rachel and Me on Thanksgiving Day

Happy Birthday, Dallin!

Dallin & the Tree of Life

Leann Rimes concert

December Fun

For those of you who read our blog [okay...MY blog], I am sorry I haven't written in a while.  I know all of my die hard followers are extremely eager to learn about what BK [Big Kurt] and I have been up to.  Our lives are so exciting, it's probably been really hard for you to handle the fact that you don't know much about our lives from the middle of November to now.  But FEAR NOT! I am back, writing a long blog post the night before I take my last 3 finals.  So, for all of you who miss reading about the Witt Family, for my classmates who should be studying instead of reading this (because we all know that Pain Control is going to kick our butts tomorrow), or for those who really are in need of a study break because you're actually a good student, here you go!

Here's a little play-by-play of what's been going on with us :)

November 22-24: Kurt flew to Indiana to watch his brother, Jason, run at Nationals.  Jason runs Cross Country for BYU.  Since he is a senior in Cross Country, it was his last race.  I'm so glad Kurt was able to go.  I, on the other hand, stayed behind to "hold down the fort" in Orem.  It was the first time we had been apart since we've been married.  It was so hard to "hold down the fort" that I went and slept at my twin sister's apartment instead, and then made my way up to Ogden to spend time with Ryan and Kaylynn.  It was so much fun to spend time with family while Kurt was away.  Although I missed Kurt terribly, I'm glad we both got to be with other family members while we were apart.

November 27-30:  I had 2 days of school after Kurt came home from Indiana, and then Thanksgiving break started! I was so excited.  BK and I went back up to Ogden to Ryan & Kaylynn's house and spent the next several days with them.  We always have a good time while we are there.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving together.  Shelly, Will, Alex, Brett & Rachel, and Jason & Faith all came up on Thanksgiving and we had dinner and played games together.  Well, Kurt played games while I got to hold my niece, Rachel.  She has a little special place in my heart (being my only niece) and we had some great auntie & niece bonding time.  It's so much fun to see how Alex, Brett & Dallin are growing.  They are such great boys, and are all so unbelievably smart.  I am quite proud of them!  We spend the day after Thanksgiving setting up Ryan & Kaylynn's christmas tree.  Well, everyone but me.  For some reason, I just watched.  I probably should have helped now that I think about it.  But I had way too much fun watching Dallin waving around branches of the tree saying, "Tree life.  Tree life.  Tree life."  That, my friends, is him talking about the Tree of Life.  People, this child is 2 years old.  I don't know about you, [but I'm feeling 22...kidding] but I think that's pretty incredible.  But Dallin has now learned that it is a "Chri-mas tree" rather than the Tree of Life.  Anyways, we had a wonderful time with them, and we are eager to go back and visit.
That Saturday was also the day we went to the temple for the month of November (I know, I know -- going the last day of the month isn't exactly ideal).  We were able to go to the Bountiful Temple in Bountiful, UT.  It was the 9th temple we've been to, (This week we are planning to go to the Salt Lake City Temple) and I'm so glad we've kept our little tradition of going to the temple every month.

In addition to the exciting things that happened to us, my beautiful twin sister, Christine, got engaged! Kurt and I are so excited for her and Payton, and I am definitely looking forward to having a "brother" in the Sienicki Family.

December 4:  Faith was super nice and invited us to her work party (she works for NuSkin).  We had dinner there, and then had a wonderful time listening to a private concert by Leann Rimes.  It was so much fun and we had a blast spending time with Jason and Faith.  We have also played many Monopoly games with them the past week or so.  Kurt has yet to win a game, but Jason and I are fairly good at holding our own.

December 6: Ward Christmas Party!  We went to a CATERED ward party that Friday night.  The food was sooo good.  I ate my weight in Ham.  We decorated a gingerbread house with our friends in the ward, but we didn't win the decorating competition.  That's okay though, because we had fun with our friends.  But, Kurt and I have come to the conclusion that we are terrible at guessing games.  They had a table with jars full of candy, and you got to guess how many pieces of candy were in the jar, and the prize was that you got to take it home.  We guess on ALL of the jars (about 12 or so) and we didn't win anything.  Nada. Zero. Nothing.  Good thing we have plenty of candy for Kurt at home.

December 7: Today was the day we planned on going to the SLC temple for the month of December and see the lights at Temple Square.  Well...the weather was TERRIBLE, so we couldn't drive to SLC safely.  Instead, we went to Malawi's pizza and Provo Beach Resort.  I noticed 2 things that night: 1) I can down an entire pizza in 10 minutes. 2) I am terrible at all things bowling, DDR, and Skeeball related.   Good thing my husband's love for me isn't based off of my arcade game skills.

December 11: We went on a triple date with Christine and Alex and went and saw Frozen.  It was such a cute movie! Plus, the opening and closing song of the movie was a song that I sang when I was in the BYU Women's Chorus, so I freaked out at the very beginning.  It was a sign that I was going to love the movie, for sure. I highly recommend going and seeing it.  I loved the music and the fun story line.  Although, I cannot agree with Elsa when she says, "The cold never bothered me anyway." Yeah...sure, of course below freezing temperatures never bother me.  All I have to do is wear a sparkly dress and I'm good to go! Nope...definitely not the case.  Our apartment is 76 degrees everyday and I'm always wearing a sweatshirt or have a blanket.  I'm California grown. Anyways, cute movie and fantastic music (I'm a big Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, and Demi Lovato fan, so the music was my favorite part).

December 13: I went and spent time with my beautiful friend Jana, and was able to catch up over hot chocolate and cookies.  I miss seeing so many of my friends, but it's so fun hearing about what they are doing and how excited they are about their life and their future.  

December 15:  Kurt and I were given tickets (from Jenny) to Music and the Spoken Work and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert on Sunday morning.  It was absolutely incredible.  It makes me miss singing.  I sang in BYU Women's Chorus for 2 years, and it definitely made me miss singing in a Christmas concert myself. Deborah Voigt and John Rhys-Davies were so incredible to watch.  It was such an uplifting experience, and really made me look forward to the Christmas season even more.

After that, we went and had dinner KA (Kurt's cousin) and Clint's (her husband) place for dinner.  They have the cutest, most lively daughter, Kate the Great.  She is so much fun to play with, and can always make you laugh.  Plus, she always laughs at what you do, so she's great at building your confidence.  We had such a fun time playing dominos with them.  As we were playing, we were all really impressed with how quiet she was being, until we turned around.  Kate got into my purse, found my lipstick, and put [almost] the entire tube on her face.  She looked so beautiful.  I had no attachment to that lipstick whatsoever, and I'm sure Kate got a lot more out of it than I ever would have, so I'm more than grateful that she was able to take it off my hands.  She also found my full pack of Starbursts as well.  She didn't open those, but maybe my purse will be the future source of special treats and snacks once she is older.  Thank you KA, Clint, and Kate the Great for the fun times and the great laughs!

Today it is December 16th, 3 finals away from my 2 1/2 weeks of freedom from Dental Hygiene school.  I am so grateful for all that I have been able to learn this semester.  I know the next 2 are going to be more difficult than ever, but I am excited to gain more knowledge on something that I love to do.  Now, I probably should get back to studying for my 3 finals (seriously...3 finals? Who does that on the last day of school?!).  Below is a list of our favorite things about this December, and some pictures from some of the moments written about above.

December Favorites
Christmas Song: Kelly Clarkson- Underneath the Tree
TV Shows:
Kurt- Shark Tank, Monday Night Football
Alexis- The Voice, The Singoff, Project Runway, Once Upon A Time
Cookies: Sugar cookies 
Drink: Raspberry Cheesecake Hot Chocolate
New Gadget: Apple TV
Favorite Thing About the Christmas Season:
Kurt- music on the radio, inexpensive candy, and "watching lots of people think they're getting really good deals when they're actually not"
Alexis- the music and no school
Winter Activity: staying warm inside (Kurt says, "Cuddling and watching movies as we drink hot chocolate.")

This kid just cracks me up!

Rachel and Me on Thanksgiving Day

Happy Birthday, Dallin!

Dallin & the Tree of Life

Leann Rimes concert