>> Kurt {and his team} won the championship of the
Salt Lake City Basketball League
>> We celebrated our 1 year anniversary
>> My roommate McKenzie and my twin sister Christine got married
{those may not be highlights for Kurt, but I was a bridesmaid 2 times
in the span of 7 days. I love marriage and weddings!}
>> We went to Disneyland {Kurt's first time going}
>> Kurt went to his first Bar Mitzvah
>> Kurt got a new job
>> I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Utah College of Dental Hygiene with my
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene.
>> I passed all my Dental Hygiene board exams
>> Kurt taught me how to drive stick shift
>> We moved into a 2 bedroom apartment
>> We found out we are going to be PARENTS
>> We celebrated Thanksgiving in Santa Barbara, California
>> We celebrated Christmas with just the 2 of us for the first time
>> I had my first white Christmas
At the beginning of the year, I made some goals that I really wanted to follow through with this year. The important thing about goals though is that they really never end- if you make a goal to "become fit" in 2014...don't you want to make a goal to still be fit or become more fit in 2015? So I made sure to set goals that I could build upon and even maintain.
>> Study hard, Play hard: This was a big time goal for me this year because I was in school. I didn't want life to become all about studying so I made a point to study and do my best so I could go out and have fun without feeling bad about it. So I was in a couple of weddings, took weekend trips, etc. and I didn't feel bad about it.
>> Create a House of Order and a House of Prayer: This is a constant goal for me and I will have this goal until the end of my life. I have come to learn that a House of Order is so much easier to live in. Now I understand that kids and life can get in the way and the house can get messy. Kurt has really taught me how to have a house of order, and it is definitely easier to have a House of Prayer when you have a House of Order. Kurt and I have prayed so much for so many things this year, and they have all happened, even if they didn't happen in the timing we hoped for; The Lord answered our prayers 100%.
>> Don't let the actions of others determine my own happiness: By far my hardest and most difficult goal to conquer. I had a really rough time in school this year and feeling left out of so many things. I felt really overwhelmed because I felt like I had so many one way friendships with people and Kurt saw how hard it was on me. It ruined my confidence and prevented me from making new friends with those around me because I was so tired of trying to keep friendships that only I was contributing to. I would get so sad when plans would fall through, when others didn't value my time the way I valued theirs, or when people would do things that would hurt me, even though it was not intentional. It took a long time, but finally I realized that I can be happy independent of the way other people treated me. Life became so much easier- I made new friends, I developed new talents, and I became myself again.
>> Be dedicated to Church callings: for those of you don't know, a "calling" is a position you are asked to serve in in the church. My callings this year were First Counselor in the Young Women's Presidency and Primary Chorister. I'll be honest, a lot of times I felt completely inadequate to be serving in either one of those callings. Not to sound like I'm so great, but the Lord definitely edifies & qualifies those He calls. I am so grateful for the new skills I've been able to develop and for the talents I now have because the Lord gave me the opportunity to learn and grow in different aspects of life.
>> Attend the Temple every month: I am so proud and happy to say that Kurt and I have done this all year. We've grown so much closer to each other and to God because of our goal to attend the temple. We would still like to keep up with this goal in 2015 and are hoping that once Peanut comes we can find someone who will support us in our goal and watch Peanut for a few hours.
We are looking forward to so many things in 2015, but the most exciting thing we are looking forward to is having a baby! I still can't believe we are going to be parents. There are so many things Kurt does everyday that remind me of how great of a father he is going to be. If Kurt keeps this up, it'll make up for the very frequent "mom fails" that I will have. Most of 2015 will be pretty baby-related. There will be a lot of Firsts for us this year as we become parents. We can't wait for Peanut to join our family!
We hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and we wish you all a Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and we wish you all a Happy New Year!