Weeks 9-12

We are so excited to announce that we are going to have a baby! It still hasn't fully sunk in that this is really happening.  Our little baby will be the first grandkid on my side of the family, and the 6th on Kurt's side of the family.  We are unbelievably grateful for the love and support we have already received by friends and family since we announced our news on Saturday.

PC: Christine Thompson

Here's a little update on how I'm doing overall.  My due date is June 6, 2015 - but I highly doubt Peanut will be coming on that very day, so I usually just say the beginning of June.  I'm 13 weeks pregnant and am starting to show it.  Thank you to all who said I don't look pregnant, but let's face it...everyone can tell I've gained some pounds.  I'm quite nauseous 24/7 and I need to eat every 2 hours in order to feel like my normal self. We just got back from California for Thanksgiving and recently discovered that I don't do well on long car rides.

Surprisingly, the number one question I got was along the lines of, "So, what are you going to have your kids call your parents?" I assumed that this question was referring to how we are going to distinguish Grandpa & Grandma Sienick vs. Grandpa & Grandma Witt.  I thought this was a very odd question, but surprisingly I've always known the answer to this.  My dad is 100% Polish {making me 50%}, so we will be calling my parents Dziadziu & Babci {Polish for Grandpa & Grandma}.  Those names look like a mouthful, but could you imagine our little kiddies trying to say Grandpa Sienicki? Yeah...no.

Anyways, I've been writing weekly updates on how my pregnancy is going, and this seems to be a very popular and common thing, so I jumped on the bandwagon.  No, I will probably not be updating you on how much weight I am gaining or the awkward pregnancy symptoms that no one really needs to know about {except for myself}, so I'll try to keep it as fun, carefree, and uplifting {and not awkward} as possible.  I'm leaving the first few weeks out {I've been keeping track of the answers to these little questionnaires since 5 weeks, but I really don't think all of you want to be reading about my first 7 weeks of pregnancy haha}. Also, I'm already behind a week, but bare with me. I might even add a few more questions here and there depending on how tired I get of answering the same questions every week!

* We call our baby, Peanut.  I just can't stand when someone calls there baby "It", so I decided on a gender neutral little nickname.  It'll probably stick long enough that we will call him/her Peanut after he/she is born.  But if you see that name floating around the blog, it's in reference to our growing little baby.

Size: Green Olive {about 1" long}

Gender: Still don't know yet, but all those Wives Tales are mostly predicting GIRL right now. But in all honesty, who knows!

Cravings: Toast. Lots and LOTS of toast.

Aversions: Salsa & anything that's left overs.  Also, I cannot do the dishes without dry heaving.

Symptoms: Nausea and unfortunately the throwing up has come.  It's not all the time, but it's still enough that it's annoying. Still thirsty and still tired.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet.  I bought a couple of those bands so I can wear my normal pants longer.  I haven't had to use them yet, but maybe that's because I've been in a serious sweatpants phase right now.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.

Best Moment of the Week: Finding out that we are officially moving!  It's still in our same apartment complex, but we're finally upgrading in life and moving into a 2 bedroom place.  It'll be nice for when Baby Witt joins us.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Moving! {Can you tell I'm excited about having a bigger apartment?}

Sleep: I haven't had too many problems sleeping right now.  The problems come once I wake up.  I have to eat almost every time I wake up if I want to fall asleep again.  I can't sleep if I'm nauseous, so granola bars are my best friend right now.

Size: Prune {1.2" long}

Gender: Still don't know

Cravings: Bread & Butter

Aversions: Salsa, Chicken & Dirty Dishes.

Symptoms: I'm always nauseous.  I've come to learn that if I eat every 2 hours, I'm okay.  It's really annoying having to eat every 2 hours but being nauseous is even more annoying than that.  I'm also always tired.  I've been so tired lately, especially with us moving and everything.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but my jeans are getting tighter.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On

Best Moment of the Week: Moving into a new apartment! It's been so wonderful having a bigger apartment.  I almost don't know what to do with all the space, but as soon as our little baby arrives, we will definitely be using the extra space for things for the baby.

What I'm Looking Forward To:  My first doctor's appointment is coming up next week! I'm super excited to learn more about our little one :)

Sleep: I feel like I don't sleep enough, even though I sleep for almost 10 hours a night.  My Snoogle pillow has changed my life, so I actually sleep through the night every night which is something I probably take for granted.  I haven't had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or anything since I found out I was pregnant.  I am super grateful I sleep well every night. Hopefully it stays that way!

Size: Lime {1.6" long}

Gender: I keep thinking it's a girl...but I honestly don't know.

Cravings: Extra Cheesy Goldfish, Toast, Orange Juice

Aversions: Mexican Food, Leftovers, anything that has a strong smell.

Symptoms: Nausea, backache, heartburn

Maternity Clothes: Not yet! But my wonderful sister-in-law is letting me borrow some of hers so I have something to wear when the time comes that none of my clothes fit.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On

Best Moment of the Week: I felt more like myself because I worked 4 days this week.  Keeping myself busy helps me not get nauseous and makes me feel better.  Plus, I made some money which I can't complain about.

Looking Forward To: Meeting my Dr. and hearing the baby's heartbeat next week!

Sleep: Good, not great, but good.  I could complain, but the fact that I'm not getting up in the middle of the night to use the loo.

Size: Plum {2.1" long}

Gender: Still don't know...but getting really anxious about finding out!

Cravings: Bread still. I just love carbs.  I also am really loving Ritz crackers right now.

Aversions: Mexican food

Symptoms: Nausea, dry skin, headaches.  I know the key for the dry skin and headaches is drinking lots of water.  It's hard, but I'm getting better at drinking half my body weight in ounces of water a day {that's gotten to almost 70 oz a day...and if you really want to do the math, you now know how much I weigh}

Maternity Clothes: Not yet...but I have had to break out those bands that keep my pants from falling down because I can't button them anymore.  It's not like that with all of my clothes, but some of my jeans don't fit, and skirts are getting tighter.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!

Best Moment of the Week: We got to hear Peanut's little heartbeat for the first time! It was such an incredible experience for both Kurt and me.  Kurt, of course, thought it was really cool.  But I had more of an emotional attachment to the experience.  Now I didn't cry, but I thought I was going to.  It was so incredible knowing that there is a tiny little heart beating inside my body that belongs to someone else.  The experience of growing a little baby has really changed my life.

Looking Forward To: Telling my parents and my family! I am so unbelievably excited.  We have already told Kurt's family.  It was a little harder to keep it a secret from them, especially because we see them so often.  But since my parents haven't been there to see me get sick and all the physical changes that have taken place, it was a lot easier to hide it from them.  But now I finally get to tell them and I am so excited!

Sleep: Sleep is getting a little more difficult.  I'm having more back pains than normal, and the later I stay up the more nauseous I get.  If I go to bed early and relax and stretch before I go to bed, I do alright during the night. I now have been starting to have to get up in the middle of the night for loo breaks, but they haven't been killing me, so I'm okay with that.

You can definitely tell I was starting to show at 11 weeks.
I didn't exactly wear the best "showing off the bump" shirt at 12 weeks, but it was a no make-up kind of day and I forgot to take this picture so I put on the first thing I could find. :)

In another blog post I'll share how I told my family, how our Thanksgiving was, and other things that are important, but not pregnancy related :)

Thank you again for all the love and support! We really appreciate it.

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