My Last First Day and My First Last Day

Yesterday marked the very last first day of school I will ever have.  I cannot believe that in just about 100 days, I will be walking across a stage, receiving my college diploma.  I have worked so hard for this, and I'm not about to give up!  I am so excited for this semester and to see what it will bring.  I had my first round of classes yesterday, and they seem difficult, but I know I can do it.  I have such a great support system, and I know they believe in me, so it must mean that I can believe in myself too...which leads me to why I also included in the title, "My First Last Day."

Here's a little story to preface why that was included in the title.  Yesterday, I walked into school and our classroom was covered in pink decorations.  I didn't know what it meant, but one of my teachers came in {the one who decorated the classroom} and she told us about her Pink Points.  Intriguing, isn't it? Pink Points will be awarded to the students that are being positive during the semester.  Once the Pink Point Bucket is filled with Pink Points {little pink beads}, the class is rewarded with something along the lines of 100% on a quiz, pizza party, 1% extra credit, etc.  This teacher has a magnet on the board that says, "Pink an attitude, not just a color!" Yesterday was my first last day of not being "Pink". So I'm going to be PINK.  I came up with a list of a bunch of words that start with a "P" that represent "Pink" to me while I'm in school:

>> Positive
>> Proud (not in a prideful way, but in a be proud of myself way for all the hard work I am putting into school)
>> Professional
>> Persevere
>> Patient
>> Patients! (I need those boards patients! haha)
>> Perceptive
>> Poised
>> Passionate

Those are just a few that I could come up with at the moment, but I really do believe yesterday was my first last day of letting negativity have such an affect on me and working harder on being positive.

My husband has been telling me something almost everyday since we have been married, and I just now decided to apply it to my life.  He says, "You can't let other people's actions determine your happiness."  I have finally seen how much better life can be when I'm not worried about other people's feelings or actions towards me.  This semester, I plan on embracing what Kurt has said to me over and over (...and over...) during our first year of marriage.  It's Day 2 of my new found outlook on life, and I'll be honest, I'm kinda loving it!

I also decided that being "Pink" means setting goals.  Here are some of my new goals:

>> Study hard, play hard

>> Make my house a House of Order
>> Make my house a House of Prayer
>> Don't let the actions of others determine my own happiness
>> Make friendships stronger
>> Seek out resume builders
>> Be dedicated to my calling
>> Grow Spiritually everyday
>> Attend the temple every month

Now that you all know my goals, everyone who reads this {long with the rest of the internet world} can hold me accountable. I'm okay with that :)

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