31, 32, 33, & 34 Weeks

As you may have noticed, I'm officially the worst at blogging.  I am finally getting caught up on these pregnancy updates!  If you feel so inclined, here's a general idea of how the last 4 weeks have gone.  I can't believe this post covers an entire month of my pregnancy! Enjoy!


Size: Coconut {16.6" long, 3.8 lbs}

Gender: Still a boy :)

Baby Names?:  I have been using the name more and more, and have told some family members the name, but it's still on the DL.  We just want to make sure it's absolutely perfect!

Cravings: Not really specific long-term cravings, but I've been having a lot of short-term ones like macaroni & cheese, french toast, and PB&J sandwiches.  Occasionally I'll get cravings for things that aren't so good for me like candy, ice cream, cookies, etc.  Fortunately, I'm right on target for where I should be for weight gain during my pregnancy so I do indulge every so often.

Aversions: Salsa.  I just really can't stand it.  And I wish I liked it right now because the organic salsa from Costco is the best!

Symptoms: I woke up at 6:00am with a gnarly charlie horse and I yelled so loud Kurt jumped out of bed!  I felt awful for waking him up, but extremely grateful for the leg massage I got right afterward :)
Braxton Hicks have been coming and going, along with shortness of breath.  I'm assuming the shortness of breath will go away in the next couple of weeks because Peanut will drop a little bit lower.  Although I'll be saying goodbye to that symptom, I'll be saying hello to more pressure on my bladder and pelvis. Yay.

Movement: So much! It definitely makes me really uncomfortable at times, but it's really comforting emotionally to know that my baby boy is just trying to give me really great snuggles.

Nausea/Sickness: None since my bout with food poisoning, thank goodness.

Sleep: I haven't been sleeping well. Sleep and I have a super Love/Hate relationship.  I need sleep in order to give my body the rest it needs from daily activities and growing a human, but I never look forward to sleep because I know I'll just wake up in a few hours AND I seriously have the worst pregnancy dreams.  They are crazy weird and in all seriousness it makes me not look forward to falling asleep because I don't have joyous, pleasant dreams.  But I need to stop complaining and just take it for what it is because in just a few weeks, I'll be begging for a nap!

Maternity Clothes: No, of course not.  I'm wearing prepregnancy jeans everyday and tight shirts. Kidding. Dresses are my friend right now and I wear open toed shoes most of the time to help my feet not swell {or at least I notice the swelling less}. I find myself repeating a lot of outfits lately, but that's because the of pile clothes that fit me gets smaller every week. Black dresses and cardigans have been my go-to lately.
{Note: This exact outfit and hairstyle were repeated today. No shame.}

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Off. It's been sitting in the same spot for weeks and I just keep forgetting to wear it!

Best Moment of the Week: General Conference.  I love the opportunity to listen to church leaders. I always try to go into watching General Conference with specific questions that I feel like I would like answered.  And always, those questions are answered.  Most of my questions had to do with motherhood, parenthood, raising children, and having a gospel centered family.  If you watched General Conference, I think you probably picked up on the fact that a lot of the talks were family oriented.  I'm grateful that my questions and prayers were answered.

Worst Moment of the Week: Honestly, I can't think of a single thing.  {Wait....whaaat? I know, right?!}  This doesn't really happen too often, so I am just grateful that Kurt and I have had such an incredible week together and that he and I are both healthy, our baby boy is growing stronger and healthier every day, and we have had such an incredible week!

Looking Forward To: My baby shower! My best friend from Santa Barbara is getting things together for a baby shower for Peanut & me next week.  I seriously have the most amazing people in my life, and I can't wait for all of these amazing people to meet our little boy!


Size: Pineapple {17" long, about 4 lbs}

Gender: Boy!

Baby Names?: I hung a letter "C" in our baby's room this week and I am so excited we've stayed set on the name we chose...or Kurt chose. {So yes...our baby boy's name starts with a "C"}

Cravings: Fruit...lots and lots of fruit.

Aversions: Still can't do salsa.  I have to leave the room if Kurt eats it.  Kurt had some during dinner the other day and I ran into the bathroom and, well...let's say I had an empty stomach.  I don't think I'll be able to eat salsa for the rest of my life.

Symptoms: Lack of sleep, fatigue, leg cramps, back & hip pain.  Pretty much nothing I haven't experienced already, except I am now experiencing it all at once and it's the most uncomfortable I've ever been.  My feet and hands swell like crazy and it takes a really long time to reduce the swelling. Oh well.

Movement: More and more every week! I've gotten so used to him moving around that sometimes I don't notice it.  He definitely makes his presence known every 20 minutes or so.  

Nausea/Sickness: Just whenever I smell salsa {haha this is getting so old, I'm sorry!}

Sleep: I'm getting less and less as the weeks go on.  I'm having a difficult time falling asleep, which makes it even more impossible to wake up in the morning for work.

Maternity Clothes: Obviously.  Fortunately I wear scrubs 3 days a week because that lets me feel like I have more outfit options during the other 4 days of the week.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Mostly off because of work and I always forget to put it back on.  BUT, I put it on the other day and could barely get it off! Now I just don't wear it because I don't ever want to get to the point where I need it cut off or something.

Best Moment of the Week: So many good things happened this week.  My twin sister flew in for my baby shower and surprised me! It was seriously the best surprise I could've gotten {unless my older sister somehow could fly from Hawaii and take time off of school/work/military duties and join us...but being adults we all understand that that's kind of far fetched.} Thank you to everyone who made my Baby Shower so perfect.  I am seriously blessed with the most amazing family & friends.

Kurt and I were also able to have another doctors appointment and little Peanut is head down and getting himself ready to enter this world!  This would explain the increase in pressure in my pelvis, the punches to my bladder, and the kicks to my ribs ;)

Worst Moment of the Week: Not necessarily a moment, but Kurt and I feel like we've hardly seen each other this past week!  It hasn't been super fun having us both come home from work and have meetings/plans afterwards that involve us to be apart.

Looking Forward To: This was a question that someone asked me at my baby shower this week.  The thing I've been looking forward to most isn't an event or something that will occur on a certain day; I am so excited to see the relationship between Kurt & our son grow.  I've had many months where I've been able to bond with, talk to, & spend time with our little boy.  I can't wait for the day when Kurt gets to hold our baby and I'm looking forward to watching their bond get stronger.


Size: Honeydew Melon {18" long, 4.5 lbs}

Gender: Boy :) I'm loving this little son of mine more and more every day.

Baby Names?:  I still can't believe we have a name picked out! I just can't wait for our little boy to have a name.

Cravings: No cravings recently but just like last week, fruit has been a big staple. It must be if I bought 8 pounds of strawberries for Kurt and I.

Aversions: Take a wild guess...

Symptoms: I've been getting some bad leg cramps and my feet swell a lot.  The one thing that is new is that I'm pretty confident Peanut's dropped a bit.  Looking back through pictures, I definitely see a change in the way I've been carrying him.

Movement: Less movement, but a lot more powerful.  Kicks are stronger, flips are more intense and it creates a lot of pressure on my hips and pelvis.

Nausea/Sickness: None, thank goodness!

Sleep: It's getting hard to get a decent night's sleep.  I always have some sort of back pain or hip pain and that makes it a little more difficult finding a comfortable position to sleep in.  I seem to be doing alright if I can still function the next day.

Maternity Clothes: A majority of the time, yes.  Some of my prepregnancy clothes still "fit".  I usually have to pair tops with a long tank top underneath because a lot of my shirts are too short.  I'm super grateful that I've been able to borrow clothes, because it's made my life so much easier.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: I can still put them on, but I just don't really wear my wedding ring & band too much anymore.  I would hate for them to get stuck on my hand or me take them off and lose them somewhere.

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing friends! I went to 2 baby showers and 1 birthday celebration all in the same day and it was fantastic.  I love having busy weekends full of spending time with friends.  I am so excited for all the fun things they are doing, have done, and are planning on doing.  

Worst Moment of the Week: Kurt and I have been so busy that we've hardly had time to hang out, just the 2 of us.  We're always going somewhere, meeting up with someone, going to work, doing church things, etc. that we don't always get the time to hang out at home and be together.  I'm looking forward to the month of May where we will be able to spend more time together before our boy comes.

Looking Forward To: We have another doctors appointment coming up next week! Kurt and I feel like these past few visits have been pretty pointless because we spend no more than 15 minutes there. But even though they are short & sweet, we are so grateful for how short & sweet they are because it means baby and I are healthy. I'll take it :)


Size: Durian {18.3" long, 4.8 lbs.}
I had to look up what a Durian was. Apparently it is considered the King of Fruits in Southeast Asia.  I don't know whether it tastes good, but it definitely looks kind of weird.  I'm fairly confident that out little boy will look a lot cuter than a Durian.

Gender: Boy! I told my doctor this week that I'm afraid that I'm doing all this preparation to have a boy for nothing because I'm going to give birth to a baby girl haha.  I've only had 2 ultrasounds {both at 20 weeks} and both techs said that I was having a boy, but I haven't seen Peanut since then.  So my fingers are crossed that this boy is a boy.

Baby Names?: Every time I say it out loud, I smile.  Kurt did such a wonderful job chosing his name.  I can't wait to officially name our baby boy.

Cravings: No cravings, but I had my second burger during the entire time I've been pregnant and it was so delicious.  Funny enough, both times I've had a hamburger, it's been from The Habit. It's my favorite burger place.

Aversions: Do I even need to keep answering this question? We all know that the answer is S-A-L-S-A.

Symptoms: Lack of sleep for sure, serious swelling of my feet,  lower back & hip pain, and some serious pressure on my bladder and my pelvis. 

Movement: So much of it.  As of right now with the whole counting 10 movements in the span of an hour thing, Peanut has no problem passing that little test.

Nausea/Sickness: No nausea, but I do get dizzy and less cordinated as the weeks go on haha.

Sleep: Not very good.  It's been really hard to sleep lately.  We've had some crazy days during the week and it's made sleeping quite difficult.  I'm consistently waking up to use the loo in the early hours of the morning.  I can't complain though, I slept really well for the majority of my pregnancy.  Looks like my body is just preparing me for when I transition to getting only a couple hours of sleep at a time.

Maternity Clothes: Pretty much only maternity clothes now.  Dresses are definitely the most comfortable right now, along with my Sanuk flip flops.  My feet have been so swollen lately! Even though all of my shoes fit still, they just aren't very comfortable to wear for long periods of time.  These flip flops have seriously saved my life. Thank you, Mom for buying these for me several years ago!

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Off because I keep forgetting to put it on.  I'm sure it hardly fits anymore, I'm just too scared to try it on haha

Best Moment of the Week: Kurt and I were able to go to the Payson Utah Temple Open House.  I love being able to walk through the temple.  Temples make me so grateful for this growing family of mine! Kurt and I also had the opportunity this week to do some temple work on the 2 year anniversary of me going to the temple for the first time.  I had a really eye-opening experience while I was there:  Kurt was able to walk right in and I had a 45 minute wait.  There were about 15 ladies in front of me who were also waiting to do temple work.  The woman who sat next to me started talking to me about how busy the temple was, but how great it is to have it be busy.  She then said, "We're waiting 45 minutes to do temple work.  I'm fairly certain that the sisters we are doing this work for having been waiting much longer than we have.  What an incredible opportunity we have to sit in the House of the Lord and serve them." All negative feelings about having to sit and wait as an uncomfortable pregnant woman who hadn't eaten lunch completely vanished from my mind.  This sister was right! The sisters of ours who are waiting for their temple work to be completed have been waiting SO much longer than 45 minutes to receive the blessings of the temple.  The least I could do is wait my turn with a smile on my face and a positive attitude.

Also, we bought a car! Our second car broke down over a month ago and Kurt and I have been driving each other to work.  Fortunately, we have been working close to each other for the last month so it hasn't been to inconvenient.  Having a second car has been a game-changer for us this week and we are excited to have a second {& reliable} car for when Peanut arrives.

Worst Moment of the Week: On Friday, my feet were so swollen that I could barely walk.  It was so painful.  Good thing I have a husband who will rub my feet without complaining.  It's probably not his favorite thing to do, but the fact that he is always willing to help me is such a wonderful thing.

Looking Forward To: Our Anniversary! We are going on 2 years on April 27th.  It's incredible to see how much we have accomplished in the last 2 years because of the support that we give one another.  I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the love and support from Kurt. I am so in love with my husband, and I love him more and more every day.  I don't know what I did to deserve such a selfless and caring man!  I love him so much now- I can only imagine how much I will love him when we become a family of 3.

Our anniversary picture for 2015

Every time I look back on how the week went, I usually can't believe how quickly time has passed.  I've been working on compiling all of my pregnancy photos and putting them in order and it's crazy to see how much Peanut {and let's be honest, myself as well...} has grown.  Not just physically for the both of us, but I am a totally different person than I was before I found out I was pregnant. Pregnancy has been such an adventure for both Kurt & me; there have been so many wonderful things that have happened, along with a lot of unfortunate & not-so-fun things.
Pregnancy is hard, people! The backaches and nausea can be overwhelmingly difficult and painful.  The swollen feet make life a whole lot worse than it needs to be.  Pregnancy comes with a lot of crazy emotions and a lot of fears.  But I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to become a mother.  I look down at my ever-growing and ever-moving bump {which is twitching right now because Peanut has the hiccups!}, and I can't believe that I have been given the ability to grow a tiny, fragile, delicate, little human.  I have the blessing of bringing another life into this world with my loving husband, and we are so grateful that we've been trusted with such a precious gift.

6 more weeks until Kurt and I can hold our baby!

31, 32, 33, & 34 Weeks

As you may have noticed, I'm officially the worst at blogging.  I am finally getting caught up on these pregnancy updates!  If you feel so inclined, here's a general idea of how the last 4 weeks have gone.  I can't believe this post covers an entire month of my pregnancy! Enjoy!


Size: Coconut {16.6" long, 3.8 lbs}

Gender: Still a boy :)

Baby Names?:  I have been using the name more and more, and have told some family members the name, but it's still on the DL.  We just want to make sure it's absolutely perfect!

Cravings: Not really specific long-term cravings, but I've been having a lot of short-term ones like macaroni & cheese, french toast, and PB&J sandwiches.  Occasionally I'll get cravings for things that aren't so good for me like candy, ice cream, cookies, etc.  Fortunately, I'm right on target for where I should be for weight gain during my pregnancy so I do indulge every so often.

Aversions: Salsa.  I just really can't stand it.  And I wish I liked it right now because the organic salsa from Costco is the best!

Symptoms: I woke up at 6:00am with a gnarly charlie horse and I yelled so loud Kurt jumped out of bed!  I felt awful for waking him up, but extremely grateful for the leg massage I got right afterward :)
Braxton Hicks have been coming and going, along with shortness of breath.  I'm assuming the shortness of breath will go away in the next couple of weeks because Peanut will drop a little bit lower.  Although I'll be saying goodbye to that symptom, I'll be saying hello to more pressure on my bladder and pelvis. Yay.

Movement: So much! It definitely makes me really uncomfortable at times, but it's really comforting emotionally to know that my baby boy is just trying to give me really great snuggles.

Nausea/Sickness: None since my bout with food poisoning, thank goodness.

Sleep: I haven't been sleeping well. Sleep and I have a super Love/Hate relationship.  I need sleep in order to give my body the rest it needs from daily activities and growing a human, but I never look forward to sleep because I know I'll just wake up in a few hours AND I seriously have the worst pregnancy dreams.  They are crazy weird and in all seriousness it makes me not look forward to falling asleep because I don't have joyous, pleasant dreams.  But I need to stop complaining and just take it for what it is because in just a few weeks, I'll be begging for a nap!

Maternity Clothes: No, of course not.  I'm wearing prepregnancy jeans everyday and tight shirts. Kidding. Dresses are my friend right now and I wear open toed shoes most of the time to help my feet not swell {or at least I notice the swelling less}. I find myself repeating a lot of outfits lately, but that's because the of pile clothes that fit me gets smaller every week. Black dresses and cardigans have been my go-to lately.
{Note: This exact outfit and hairstyle were repeated today. No shame.}

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Off. It's been sitting in the same spot for weeks and I just keep forgetting to wear it!

Best Moment of the Week: General Conference.  I love the opportunity to listen to church leaders. I always try to go into watching General Conference with specific questions that I feel like I would like answered.  And always, those questions are answered.  Most of my questions had to do with motherhood, parenthood, raising children, and having a gospel centered family.  If you watched General Conference, I think you probably picked up on the fact that a lot of the talks were family oriented.  I'm grateful that my questions and prayers were answered.

Worst Moment of the Week: Honestly, I can't think of a single thing.  {Wait....whaaat? I know, right?!}  This doesn't really happen too often, so I am just grateful that Kurt and I have had such an incredible week together and that he and I are both healthy, our baby boy is growing stronger and healthier every day, and we have had such an incredible week!

Looking Forward To: My baby shower! My best friend from Santa Barbara is getting things together for a baby shower for Peanut & me next week.  I seriously have the most amazing people in my life, and I can't wait for all of these amazing people to meet our little boy!


Size: Pineapple {17" long, about 4 lbs}

Gender: Boy!

Baby Names?: I hung a letter "C" in our baby's room this week and I am so excited we've stayed set on the name we chose...or Kurt chose. {So yes...our baby boy's name starts with a "C"}

Cravings: Fruit...lots and lots of fruit.

Aversions: Still can't do salsa.  I have to leave the room if Kurt eats it.  Kurt had some during dinner the other day and I ran into the bathroom and, well...let's say I had an empty stomach.  I don't think I'll be able to eat salsa for the rest of my life.

Symptoms: Lack of sleep, fatigue, leg cramps, back & hip pain.  Pretty much nothing I haven't experienced already, except I am now experiencing it all at once and it's the most uncomfortable I've ever been.  My feet and hands swell like crazy and it takes a really long time to reduce the swelling. Oh well.

Movement: More and more every week! I've gotten so used to him moving around that sometimes I don't notice it.  He definitely makes his presence known every 20 minutes or so.  

Nausea/Sickness: Just whenever I smell salsa {haha this is getting so old, I'm sorry!}

Sleep: I'm getting less and less as the weeks go on.  I'm having a difficult time falling asleep, which makes it even more impossible to wake up in the morning for work.

Maternity Clothes: Obviously.  Fortunately I wear scrubs 3 days a week because that lets me feel like I have more outfit options during the other 4 days of the week.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Mostly off because of work and I always forget to put it back on.  BUT, I put it on the other day and could barely get it off! Now I just don't wear it because I don't ever want to get to the point where I need it cut off or something.

Best Moment of the Week: So many good things happened this week.  My twin sister flew in for my baby shower and surprised me! It was seriously the best surprise I could've gotten {unless my older sister somehow could fly from Hawaii and take time off of school/work/military duties and join us...but being adults we all understand that that's kind of far fetched.} Thank you to everyone who made my Baby Shower so perfect.  I am seriously blessed with the most amazing family & friends.

Kurt and I were also able to have another doctors appointment and little Peanut is head down and getting himself ready to enter this world!  This would explain the increase in pressure in my pelvis, the punches to my bladder, and the kicks to my ribs ;)

Worst Moment of the Week: Not necessarily a moment, but Kurt and I feel like we've hardly seen each other this past week!  It hasn't been super fun having us both come home from work and have meetings/plans afterwards that involve us to be apart.

Looking Forward To: This was a question that someone asked me at my baby shower this week.  The thing I've been looking forward to most isn't an event or something that will occur on a certain day; I am so excited to see the relationship between Kurt & our son grow.  I've had many months where I've been able to bond with, talk to, & spend time with our little boy.  I can't wait for the day when Kurt gets to hold our baby and I'm looking forward to watching their bond get stronger.


Size: Honeydew Melon {18" long, 4.5 lbs}

Gender: Boy :) I'm loving this little son of mine more and more every day.

Baby Names?:  I still can't believe we have a name picked out! I just can't wait for our little boy to have a name.

Cravings: No cravings recently but just like last week, fruit has been a big staple. It must be if I bought 8 pounds of strawberries for Kurt and I.

Aversions: Take a wild guess...

Symptoms: I've been getting some bad leg cramps and my feet swell a lot.  The one thing that is new is that I'm pretty confident Peanut's dropped a bit.  Looking back through pictures, I definitely see a change in the way I've been carrying him.

Movement: Less movement, but a lot more powerful.  Kicks are stronger, flips are more intense and it creates a lot of pressure on my hips and pelvis.

Nausea/Sickness: None, thank goodness!

Sleep: It's getting hard to get a decent night's sleep.  I always have some sort of back pain or hip pain and that makes it a little more difficult finding a comfortable position to sleep in.  I seem to be doing alright if I can still function the next day.

Maternity Clothes: A majority of the time, yes.  Some of my prepregnancy clothes still "fit".  I usually have to pair tops with a long tank top underneath because a lot of my shirts are too short.  I'm super grateful that I've been able to borrow clothes, because it's made my life so much easier.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: I can still put them on, but I just don't really wear my wedding ring & band too much anymore.  I would hate for them to get stuck on my hand or me take them off and lose them somewhere.

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing friends! I went to 2 baby showers and 1 birthday celebration all in the same day and it was fantastic.  I love having busy weekends full of spending time with friends.  I am so excited for all the fun things they are doing, have done, and are planning on doing.  

Worst Moment of the Week: Kurt and I have been so busy that we've hardly had time to hang out, just the 2 of us.  We're always going somewhere, meeting up with someone, going to work, doing church things, etc. that we don't always get the time to hang out at home and be together.  I'm looking forward to the month of May where we will be able to spend more time together before our boy comes.

Looking Forward To: We have another doctors appointment coming up next week! Kurt and I feel like these past few visits have been pretty pointless because we spend no more than 15 minutes there. But even though they are short & sweet, we are so grateful for how short & sweet they are because it means baby and I are healthy. I'll take it :)


Size: Durian {18.3" long, 4.8 lbs.}
I had to look up what a Durian was. Apparently it is considered the King of Fruits in Southeast Asia.  I don't know whether it tastes good, but it definitely looks kind of weird.  I'm fairly confident that out little boy will look a lot cuter than a Durian.

Gender: Boy! I told my doctor this week that I'm afraid that I'm doing all this preparation to have a boy for nothing because I'm going to give birth to a baby girl haha.  I've only had 2 ultrasounds {both at 20 weeks} and both techs said that I was having a boy, but I haven't seen Peanut since then.  So my fingers are crossed that this boy is a boy.

Baby Names?: Every time I say it out loud, I smile.  Kurt did such a wonderful job chosing his name.  I can't wait to officially name our baby boy.

Cravings: No cravings, but I had my second burger during the entire time I've been pregnant and it was so delicious.  Funny enough, both times I've had a hamburger, it's been from The Habit. It's my favorite burger place.

Aversions: Do I even need to keep answering this question? We all know that the answer is S-A-L-S-A.

Symptoms: Lack of sleep for sure, serious swelling of my feet,  lower back & hip pain, and some serious pressure on my bladder and my pelvis. 

Movement: So much of it.  As of right now with the whole counting 10 movements in the span of an hour thing, Peanut has no problem passing that little test.

Nausea/Sickness: No nausea, but I do get dizzy and less cordinated as the weeks go on haha.

Sleep: Not very good.  It's been really hard to sleep lately.  We've had some crazy days during the week and it's made sleeping quite difficult.  I'm consistently waking up to use the loo in the early hours of the morning.  I can't complain though, I slept really well for the majority of my pregnancy.  Looks like my body is just preparing me for when I transition to getting only a couple hours of sleep at a time.

Maternity Clothes: Pretty much only maternity clothes now.  Dresses are definitely the most comfortable right now, along with my Sanuk flip flops.  My feet have been so swollen lately! Even though all of my shoes fit still, they just aren't very comfortable to wear for long periods of time.  These flip flops have seriously saved my life. Thank you, Mom for buying these for me several years ago!

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Off because I keep forgetting to put it on.  I'm sure it hardly fits anymore, I'm just too scared to try it on haha

Best Moment of the Week: Kurt and I were able to go to the Payson Utah Temple Open House.  I love being able to walk through the temple.  Temples make me so grateful for this growing family of mine! Kurt and I also had the opportunity this week to do some temple work on the 2 year anniversary of me going to the temple for the first time.  I had a really eye-opening experience while I was there:  Kurt was able to walk right in and I had a 45 minute wait.  There were about 15 ladies in front of me who were also waiting to do temple work.  The woman who sat next to me started talking to me about how busy the temple was, but how great it is to have it be busy.  She then said, "We're waiting 45 minutes to do temple work.  I'm fairly certain that the sisters we are doing this work for having been waiting much longer than we have.  What an incredible opportunity we have to sit in the House of the Lord and serve them." All negative feelings about having to sit and wait as an uncomfortable pregnant woman who hadn't eaten lunch completely vanished from my mind.  This sister was right! The sisters of ours who are waiting for their temple work to be completed have been waiting SO much longer than 45 minutes to receive the blessings of the temple.  The least I could do is wait my turn with a smile on my face and a positive attitude.

Also, we bought a car! Our second car broke down over a month ago and Kurt and I have been driving each other to work.  Fortunately, we have been working close to each other for the last month so it hasn't been to inconvenient.  Having a second car has been a game-changer for us this week and we are excited to have a second {& reliable} car for when Peanut arrives.

Worst Moment of the Week: On Friday, my feet were so swollen that I could barely walk.  It was so painful.  Good thing I have a husband who will rub my feet without complaining.  It's probably not his favorite thing to do, but the fact that he is always willing to help me is such a wonderful thing.

Looking Forward To: Our Anniversary! We are going on 2 years on April 27th.  It's incredible to see how much we have accomplished in the last 2 years because of the support that we give one another.  I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the love and support from Kurt. I am so in love with my husband, and I love him more and more every day.  I don't know what I did to deserve such a selfless and caring man!  I love him so much now- I can only imagine how much I will love him when we become a family of 3.

Our anniversary picture for 2015

Every time I look back on how the week went, I usually can't believe how quickly time has passed.  I've been working on compiling all of my pregnancy photos and putting them in order and it's crazy to see how much Peanut {and let's be honest, myself as well...} has grown.  Not just physically for the both of us, but I am a totally different person than I was before I found out I was pregnant. Pregnancy has been such an adventure for both Kurt & me; there have been so many wonderful things that have happened, along with a lot of unfortunate & not-so-fun things.
Pregnancy is hard, people! The backaches and nausea can be overwhelmingly difficult and painful.  The swollen feet make life a whole lot worse than it needs to be.  Pregnancy comes with a lot of crazy emotions and a lot of fears.  But I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to become a mother.  I look down at my ever-growing and ever-moving bump {which is twitching right now because Peanut has the hiccups!}, and I can't believe that I have been given the ability to grow a tiny, fragile, delicate, little human.  I have the blessing of bringing another life into this world with my loving husband, and we are so grateful that we've been trusted with such a precious gift.

6 more weeks until Kurt and I can hold our baby!

29 & 30 Weeks


Size: Cabbage! I forgot to add the estimated length and weight to the board.


We are so excited to announce that we are having a BOY! We loved hearing and reading what everyone's guesses were.  Even though we found out about 9 weeks ago, I still can't believe we are having a boy sometimes! I'll be honest, I was totally prepared to have a girl and when I found out Peanut is a boy I was so nervous because I didn't grow up with boys.  Fortunately, everyone has given me wonderful advice so far about having a son so I'm getting more excited as time goes by.

We announced the gender at my baby shower in Santa Barbara, California by having different people read parts of a poem that Kurt and I wrote.  Here it is!

They had a secret
They were so surprised
Kurt and Alexis were having a baby!
They couldn't believe their eyes.

Alexis laughed 'til she cried
She and Kurt jumped for joy
Alexis thought it was a girl,
Kurt thought it was a boy.

She was nauseous and sick,
Hated Mexican food and chicken
And unfortunately for Kurt,
She hated being in the kitchen.

They told fmaily and friends
That a baby was on the way
Some people squealed with excitement
Some didn't know what to say!

They were so excited
They were happy as can be
They couldn't believe they're family of 2
Would soon be a fmaily of 3!

Will baby be a boy like Dad?
Tall, smart, and fun
Will he want to play basketball
Or will he want to race and run?

Will baby be a girl like Mom?
Happy, kind, and sweet
Will she want to sing songs
Or play soccer and kick with her feet?

(My mom read this last one, and of course we both teared up like crazy)
Now I know you are wondering
Will baby wear pink or blue?
Well...on June 6th
A baby BOY is due!

Baby Names?: We've shared the name with a few people {family members} and are SO happy people are loving our name choice.  We still want to make sure it's the perfect name for our little boy, so we haven't made it public yet.

Cravings: No cravings really.  I feel like I might be growing out of cravings a bit.  

Aversions: Tacos & Salsa.  I decided to be brave and have homemade tacos and salsa and the end result was not good {refer to Worst Moment of the Week section}.

Symptoms: Dehydration, swollen hands and feet, back aches, hip pain.  Sounds glorious, doesn't it?  I've been experiencing this awful pain in my lower back/hip area.  Whenever it happens, I always feel pain on the left side and it's so painful to walk that Kurt has to help me get around.  I've felt like such an old lady this week!

Movement: I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I am so blessed to have a healthy, mobile, active baby...but sometimes I just can't handle how much he moves! {By the way, it's SO weird typing the word "he"}  He has started to make it really difficult to fall asleep at night.  But I would rather him be crazy active than not.

Nausea/Sickness: Definitely experienced that this week. Refer to Worst Moment of the Week section.

Sleep: Sleep has been difficult with the amount of movement I feel.  Not only that, but this has been the first week where I have consistently had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  I obviously don't want to drink less water, so I'm just going to have to accept that my body is running out of room for everything that's going on.  The part that I really don't like is that I always wake up between 3:00-5:00am.  Not my most favorite time of the morning.

Maternity Clothes: Of course! I don't think I really fit comfortably into any pre-pregnancy clothes.  There are a couple shirts that still "fit", and by "fit" I mean I can still put them on but they are really short!  Thank goodness for long tanks and belly bands, right?

Wedding Ring On or Off?:  Mostly off due to me forgetting to wear it.  I made sure I didn't wear it when we flew to California and drove back to Utah.  I really didn't want to risk my hands swelling and not being able to take my ring off.

Best Moment of the Week:
  Our trip to Santa Barbara, California! We had the most incredible time there.  We arrived on Thursday afternoon & I was spoiled and family friends threw me & Peanut a baby shower that night.  I have never felt so loved and cared for!  Thank you to everyone who came & sent love our way.  We feel so blessed to know such incredible people who are so excited for us to be growing our family.

Worst Moment of the Week:  I had the unfortunate experience of needing to go to the ER at the beginning of the week.  After making tacos and being brave and trying salsa for the first time since I've been pregnant {bad Bad BAD idea}, I woke up at 5:00am and ran straight to the bathroom and threw up.  I threw up more between 5:00am-12:00pm and I couldn't even keep water down.  That's when I knew something wasn't right and that I needed some help because the most important thing for me to do was hydrate myself and I couldn't even do that.  So...a drive to the ER, a visit to Labor & Delivery and getting monitored for an hour and a half, getting wheeled back to the ER, draining an IV saline bag in 45 minutes, and a trip to the pharmacy later, I was back at home somewhat less dehydrated.  I took work off for the next 2 days because I still wasn't feeling well and I wanted to make sure I was 100% healthy when Kurt and I had to fly to California.  My visit to the hospital was not my most favorite visit for several reasons- (1) When I was in Labor and Delivery, they hooked me up to a bunch of monitors and left me in the room all by myself for 45 minutes.  Then they came back and realized the monitors were picking up my heartbeat along with Peanut's heartbeat, so I sat there for another 45 minutes by myself starting the process over. I don't need to me waited on hand and foot, but I would've appreciated them checking in every 15 minutes or so.  Plus, I was having contractions and I couldn't help but groan and complain whenever contractions came and I was in a room all by myself during this time and I had no idea whether what I was feeling was normal. (2) I told the staff at the ER when we arrived all my symptoms, then I got wheeled to Labor & Delivery where they asked about all my symptoms, then I was wheeled back to the ER and asked ALL the same questions I was asked when I was in Labor & Delivery.  And it the span of 2-3 hours that this took, they still wouldn't give me an IV because they wanted to make sure they did my lab work to confirm that it really was food poisoning.  And during all this time, I still couldn't keep down water so I was dehydrated to the max. (3) The nurse who inserted the IV did an absolutely terrible job and it was so painful.  He kept saying, "Yeah these usually don't hurt people.  You must be just really sensitive right now or your arm is weird." Thank you sir for throwing me under the bus and blaming me for your poor skills.  They were all pretty shocked though when they came in 45 minutes later and I drained the GIANT saline bag they gave me.  You'd think I was dehydrated or something.  Aaaaaaaanyways, I left feeling a little bit better & while I was in Labor & Delivery I was able to pre-register so I wouldn't have to worry about paperwork when I come in to deliver Peanut.  There were some positives that came out of this ER visit, I guess.

Looking Forward To: As much as I love being in Santa Barbara, I'm really excited for Kurt and I to go home and get everything organized for the baby.  We'll build our crib, hang pictures, and make more progress towards making our apartment a perfect place to bring a baby home to.

Santa Barbara Baby Shower

I seriously had the most wonderful women throw me the most incredible baby shower! I didn't announce the gender until the middle of the baby shower, so everything was Pink & Blue.  I wish I could've gotten pictures of everything.
We ate the most delicious quiches for dinner {along with the best rolls, fruit, and salad that I've ever tasted} and had Coconut Creme, Hot Fudge Sundae, & Cherry Almond cupcakes for dessert.


Size: Cucumber {16.6" long, 3.5 lbs.}
So I've been paying more attention to the baby size stats all these apps are telling me, and for some reason I didn't realize until now that the fruit or veggie isn't always on point with the weight AND length- sometimes it's just one or the other {Seriously though...a 3.5 lb cucumber? C'mon...}.  I've been wondering why these things seem so inaccurate a lot of the time, but now I know.

Gender: Boy boy Boy BOY! I am so exciting to be having a little bouncing baby boy.  It's still hard for me to believe sometimes.  I don't think the fact that Kurt and I are going to have a son {wow...that's weird to say} until he actually arrives.

Baby Names?: I've tried to use the name more & more this week because in 10 weeks, we'll be calling him by his name, not always Peanut.  

Cravings: No cravings, but when someone mentions something that sounds delicious, I feel like I need to have it.  That's what happened this weekend when Kurt went to Cafe Zupas.  I made him bring me back some. He's such a good husband.

Aversions: I don't know whether I will ever eat salsa again.

Symptoms: I wore myself out this week so I've had a sore throat and I've been sneezing a lot.  Thanks to the short winter, my body is convinced it's spring so my allergies have come full force.  I've also had a lot of swelling in my feet and some bad back pain from working 4 days this week.  Good thing I have the most incredible husband and he'll rub my feet & back

Movement: I actually feel like there's been less movement, but his kicks are a lot more powerful than they used to be.  It's crazy because you can look and my stomach and see baby boy move.

Nausea/Sickness: Just the sore throat.  I've been trying to stay hydrated after our little ER visit last week, so I've been feeling less nauseous if I stay up late.

Sleep: It's been difficult, but I'm still able to sleep alright.  I haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week so I've been pretty cranky, but I'm always able to catch up on sleep during the weekends.

Maternity Clothes: Thanks to a few of my sister-in-laws, I haven't really had to buy any more maternity clothes {Thank you!!}. 

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Sometimes on and sometimes off.

Best Moment of the Week:
  Celebrating Kurt's birthday! It's so fun to think that the next birthday our family of 3 will be celebrating is the birthday of our baby boy!  We went to Tucano's with my dad earlier this week to celebrate Kurt turning the big 2-8.  I definitely am not one to pack it in anymore, but I can down Brazilian Lemonade like it's going out of style.

Worst Moment of the Week: Honestly, it was not fun having to say goodbye to my Dad.  We really enjoyed having him at the beginning of the week.  Hopefully we will all see each other sooner rather than later.

Looking Forward To: This sounds so silly, but I get to clean Kurt's teeth next week at work and I'm really excited! The main reason why I am excited is because it's always fun for me to show him how far I've come since I graduated from school 7 months ago.

Kurt and I are feeling so blessed, it's almost overwhelming.  Of course everything doesn't always go as planned, but we have felt so grateful for the love, support, gifts, & acts of service we have received during these two weeks.
Plus, we can't believe we are having a BOY! I've been really pondering and thinking during these past several weeks about having a boy.  I always wanted to have a boy first- and I got my wish! I am so nervous though! I didn't grow up with boys so I feel so unprepared.  Everyone has been really nice though in their comments about raising boys- apparently boys are much easier than girls {?}.  If that is the case, I am grateful for the chance to "ease into motherhood" with a boy. All I know is that I am so excited for the adventure of having a son and being his mother.  The only thing I have ever wanted in life is to be a mom, and I can't believe the thing I have wanted the most in the whole entire world will be happening in just 10 short weeks!

29 & 30 Weeks


Size: Cabbage! I forgot to add the estimated length and weight to the board.


We are so excited to announce that we are having a BOY! We loved hearing and reading what everyone's guesses were.  Even though we found out about 9 weeks ago, I still can't believe we are having a boy sometimes! I'll be honest, I was totally prepared to have a girl and when I found out Peanut is a boy I was so nervous because I didn't grow up with boys.  Fortunately, everyone has given me wonderful advice so far about having a son so I'm getting more excited as time goes by.

We announced the gender at my baby shower in Santa Barbara, California by having different people read parts of a poem that Kurt and I wrote.  Here it is!

They had a secret
They were so surprised
Kurt and Alexis were having a baby!
They couldn't believe their eyes.

Alexis laughed 'til she cried
She and Kurt jumped for joy
Alexis thought it was a girl,
Kurt thought it was a boy.

She was nauseous and sick,
Hated Mexican food and chicken
And unfortunately for Kurt,
She hated being in the kitchen.

They told fmaily and friends
That a baby was on the way
Some people squealed with excitement
Some didn't know what to say!

They were so excited
They were happy as can be
They couldn't believe they're family of 2
Would soon be a fmaily of 3!

Will baby be a boy like Dad?
Tall, smart, and fun
Will he want to play basketball
Or will he want to race and run?

Will baby be a girl like Mom?
Happy, kind, and sweet
Will she want to sing songs
Or play soccer and kick with her feet?

(My mom read this last one, and of course we both teared up like crazy)
Now I know you are wondering
Will baby wear pink or blue?
Well...on June 6th
A baby BOY is due!

Baby Names?: We've shared the name with a few people {family members} and are SO happy people are loving our name choice.  We still want to make sure it's the perfect name for our little boy, so we haven't made it public yet.

Cravings: No cravings really.  I feel like I might be growing out of cravings a bit.  

Aversions: Tacos & Salsa.  I decided to be brave and have homemade tacos and salsa and the end result was not good {refer to Worst Moment of the Week section}.

Symptoms: Dehydration, swollen hands and feet, back aches, hip pain.  Sounds glorious, doesn't it?  I've been experiencing this awful pain in my lower back/hip area.  Whenever it happens, I always feel pain on the left side and it's so painful to walk that Kurt has to help me get around.  I've felt like such an old lady this week!

Movement: I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I am so blessed to have a healthy, mobile, active baby...but sometimes I just can't handle how much he moves! {By the way, it's SO weird typing the word "he"}  He has started to make it really difficult to fall asleep at night.  But I would rather him be crazy active than not.

Nausea/Sickness: Definitely experienced that this week. Refer to Worst Moment of the Week section.

Sleep: Sleep has been difficult with the amount of movement I feel.  Not only that, but this has been the first week where I have consistently had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  I obviously don't want to drink less water, so I'm just going to have to accept that my body is running out of room for everything that's going on.  The part that I really don't like is that I always wake up between 3:00-5:00am.  Not my most favorite time of the morning.

Maternity Clothes: Of course! I don't think I really fit comfortably into any pre-pregnancy clothes.  There are a couple shirts that still "fit", and by "fit" I mean I can still put them on but they are really short!  Thank goodness for long tanks and belly bands, right?

Wedding Ring On or Off?:  Mostly off due to me forgetting to wear it.  I made sure I didn't wear it when we flew to California and drove back to Utah.  I really didn't want to risk my hands swelling and not being able to take my ring off.

Best Moment of the Week:
  Our trip to Santa Barbara, California! We had the most incredible time there.  We arrived on Thursday afternoon & I was spoiled and family friends threw me & Peanut a baby shower that night.  I have never felt so loved and cared for!  Thank you to everyone who came & sent love our way.  We feel so blessed to know such incredible people who are so excited for us to be growing our family.

Worst Moment of the Week:  I had the unfortunate experience of needing to go to the ER at the beginning of the week.  After making tacos and being brave and trying salsa for the first time since I've been pregnant {bad Bad BAD idea}, I woke up at 5:00am and ran straight to the bathroom and threw up.  I threw up more between 5:00am-12:00pm and I couldn't even keep water down.  That's when I knew something wasn't right and that I needed some help because the most important thing for me to do was hydrate myself and I couldn't even do that.  So...a drive to the ER, a visit to Labor & Delivery and getting monitored for an hour and a half, getting wheeled back to the ER, draining an IV saline bag in 45 minutes, and a trip to the pharmacy later, I was back at home somewhat less dehydrated.  I took work off for the next 2 days because I still wasn't feeling well and I wanted to make sure I was 100% healthy when Kurt and I had to fly to California.  My visit to the hospital was not my most favorite visit for several reasons- (1) When I was in Labor and Delivery, they hooked me up to a bunch of monitors and left me in the room all by myself for 45 minutes.  Then they came back and realized the monitors were picking up my heartbeat along with Peanut's heartbeat, so I sat there for another 45 minutes by myself starting the process over. I don't need to me waited on hand and foot, but I would've appreciated them checking in every 15 minutes or so.  Plus, I was having contractions and I couldn't help but groan and complain whenever contractions came and I was in a room all by myself during this time and I had no idea whether what I was feeling was normal. (2) I told the staff at the ER when we arrived all my symptoms, then I got wheeled to Labor & Delivery where they asked about all my symptoms, then I was wheeled back to the ER and asked ALL the same questions I was asked when I was in Labor & Delivery.  And it the span of 2-3 hours that this took, they still wouldn't give me an IV because they wanted to make sure they did my lab work to confirm that it really was food poisoning.  And during all this time, I still couldn't keep down water so I was dehydrated to the max. (3) The nurse who inserted the IV did an absolutely terrible job and it was so painful.  He kept saying, "Yeah these usually don't hurt people.  You must be just really sensitive right now or your arm is weird." Thank you sir for throwing me under the bus and blaming me for your poor skills.  They were all pretty shocked though when they came in 45 minutes later and I drained the GIANT saline bag they gave me.  You'd think I was dehydrated or something.  Aaaaaaaanyways, I left feeling a little bit better & while I was in Labor & Delivery I was able to pre-register so I wouldn't have to worry about paperwork when I come in to deliver Peanut.  There were some positives that came out of this ER visit, I guess.

Looking Forward To: As much as I love being in Santa Barbara, I'm really excited for Kurt and I to go home and get everything organized for the baby.  We'll build our crib, hang pictures, and make more progress towards making our apartment a perfect place to bring a baby home to.

Santa Barbara Baby Shower

I seriously had the most wonderful women throw me the most incredible baby shower! I didn't announce the gender until the middle of the baby shower, so everything was Pink & Blue.  I wish I could've gotten pictures of everything.
We ate the most delicious quiches for dinner {along with the best rolls, fruit, and salad that I've ever tasted} and had Coconut Creme, Hot Fudge Sundae, & Cherry Almond cupcakes for dessert.


Size: Cucumber {16.6" long, 3.5 lbs.}
So I've been paying more attention to the baby size stats all these apps are telling me, and for some reason I didn't realize until now that the fruit or veggie isn't always on point with the weight AND length- sometimes it's just one or the other {Seriously though...a 3.5 lb cucumber? C'mon...}.  I've been wondering why these things seem so inaccurate a lot of the time, but now I know.

Gender: Boy boy Boy BOY! I am so exciting to be having a little bouncing baby boy.  It's still hard for me to believe sometimes.  I don't think the fact that Kurt and I are going to have a son {wow...that's weird to say} until he actually arrives.

Baby Names?: I've tried to use the name more & more this week because in 10 weeks, we'll be calling him by his name, not always Peanut.  

Cravings: No cravings, but when someone mentions something that sounds delicious, I feel like I need to have it.  That's what happened this weekend when Kurt went to Cafe Zupas.  I made him bring me back some. He's such a good husband.

Aversions: I don't know whether I will ever eat salsa again.

Symptoms: I wore myself out this week so I've had a sore throat and I've been sneezing a lot.  Thanks to the short winter, my body is convinced it's spring so my allergies have come full force.  I've also had a lot of swelling in my feet and some bad back pain from working 4 days this week.  Good thing I have the most incredible husband and he'll rub my feet & back

Movement: I actually feel like there's been less movement, but his kicks are a lot more powerful than they used to be.  It's crazy because you can look and my stomach and see baby boy move.

Nausea/Sickness: Just the sore throat.  I've been trying to stay hydrated after our little ER visit last week, so I've been feeling less nauseous if I stay up late.

Sleep: It's been difficult, but I'm still able to sleep alright.  I haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week so I've been pretty cranky, but I'm always able to catch up on sleep during the weekends.

Maternity Clothes: Thanks to a few of my sister-in-laws, I haven't really had to buy any more maternity clothes {Thank you!!}. 

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Sometimes on and sometimes off.

Best Moment of the Week:
  Celebrating Kurt's birthday! It's so fun to think that the next birthday our family of 3 will be celebrating is the birthday of our baby boy!  We went to Tucano's with my dad earlier this week to celebrate Kurt turning the big 2-8.  I definitely am not one to pack it in anymore, but I can down Brazilian Lemonade like it's going out of style.

Worst Moment of the Week: Honestly, it was not fun having to say goodbye to my Dad.  We really enjoyed having him at the beginning of the week.  Hopefully we will all see each other sooner rather than later.

Looking Forward To: This sounds so silly, but I get to clean Kurt's teeth next week at work and I'm really excited! The main reason why I am excited is because it's always fun for me to show him how far I've come since I graduated from school 7 months ago.

Kurt and I are feeling so blessed, it's almost overwhelming.  Of course everything doesn't always go as planned, but we have felt so grateful for the love, support, gifts, & acts of service we have received during these two weeks.
Plus, we can't believe we are having a BOY! I've been really pondering and thinking during these past several weeks about having a boy.  I always wanted to have a boy first- and I got my wish! I am so nervous though! I didn't grow up with boys so I feel so unprepared.  Everyone has been really nice though in their comments about raising boys- apparently boys are much easier than girls {?}.  If that is the case, I am grateful for the chance to "ease into motherhood" with a boy. All I know is that I am so excited for the adventure of having a son and being his mother.  The only thing I have ever wanted in life is to be a mom, and I can't believe the thing I have wanted the most in the whole entire world will be happening in just 10 short weeks!