As many of you know, I just recently became a Registered Dental Hygienist {RDH} in the state of Utah.  I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene from Utah College of Dental Hygiene in Orem, Utah.  I am so unbelievably excited for what the profession has in store for me, and I can't wait to teach others so many of the things I learned while in school and working with patients.

I've written a very small series of blog posts about what life was like as a dental hygiene student.  Feel free to read them, laugh with them {or at them}, relate to them, etc.  I loved dental hygiene school, but I am much happier being a dental hygiene school graduate! Dental hygiene school seemed to be close to impossible, but now that I'm on the "other side" I know that if you just work hard and do your best, you can succeed.

Life as a Dental Hygiene Student: Part 3- Board Exams

Also, I have a pinterest board titled, "Boss of the Floss: Dental Hygiene" full of dental/dental hygiene related pins that range from anywhere to "Story of my life" to "hahaha that's hilarious" to "OMG I didn't even know that" {aka educational and informative type of pins}.  Just go to the top of the page and click the icon that looks like this:


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