Summer Vacation

Last Wednesday I finished my last final, which means that I officially finished my 2nd semester of Dental Hygiene school! I am so happy that I finally get a break.  During the last break, I went home and got married (best break from school of my life, but not necessarily relaxing), but this break I get to just relax.  Okay...not really.  The week after school starts, I have an End of the Year exam, which is a comprehensive test with almost all of the subjects I have studied from my 1st and 2nd semesters of dental hygiene school.  So, I need to study during my break.  It's not going to be fun, but it will be worth it when I pass that test!
So, to celebrate being done with school for 2 and a half weeks, Kurt and I decided to spend the weekend with family.  We went up to Logan this past weekend to stay with Kurt's brother Ryan, his wife Kaylynn, and their son, Dallin.  First, we went to Lagoon on Friday with Ryan & Kaylynn.  I was a little nervous to go, because I get SO motion sick (I would get motion sick driving when I first got my permit; it's that bad.), but I ended up getting through the day quite well.  We had so much fun! Kurt absolutely LOVES rollercoasters, so I know he enjoyed himself.  Then on Saturday, we went to the Logan Temple.  It is absolutely beautiful!  Kurt and I have a goal of going to a new temple every month (within reason; fortunately, there are many temples around us within a couple hour radius) and we've been able to do that.  I love going to the temple with Kurt. We have a wonderful time when we go, and it definitely helps us put things into perspective and give us the strength to get us through the trials we face individually and as a family.  I've loved being able to learn things and grow spiritually by going to the temple every month, and I look forward to visiting more temples in the years to come. On Sunday, we were able to go to church in Logan.  Kurt went to Young Mens with Ryan, and I went to Nursery for 2 hours with Kaylynn (and Dallin!).  I'll be honest, I didn't know what to expect.  But I had a great time, and it's fun seeing how the young kids interact with each other.  It's been a while since I've played with play dough and sung primary songs, so it was fun experiencing all of that again.  Overall, church was a very a very enjoyable and positive experience, as it always is.
This week, Kurt and I will be going to a FUN concert, and then leaving for Santa Barbara this weekend.  We are so excited to go home and visit friends and family.  Although Kurt still has to go to work, it'll be fun to have a change of scenery.

Things I Have Learned (and Relearned) Over The Past Month

1) Daily scripture study helps you do better in school.
2) I am terrible at any game involving cards.
3) Kurt is more creative than I am.
4) Going to the temple brings blessings.
5) Paying your tithing is more than giving up money.
6) I'm a better cook than I initially anticipated.
7) Regularly participating in physical activities gives you more energy rather than making you more tired.
8) A clean home is a happy home.
9) Cleaning out your closet gives you a great sense of accomplishment.
10) One man's trash is another man's treasure.
11) Developing positive relationships with family members has tremendous eternal blessings.
12) True sacrifice will bring you true happiness.

1 comment :

  1. We loved spending the weekend with you and can't wait to do it again!! You guys are the best! Have fun in California and good luck on your exam! :)
