16 Weeks


Size: Avocado {4.6" long}

Gender: We don't know yet, but we will find out on January 20th!

Baby Names?: We've narrowed it down to 1 name for each gender.  So as soon as we find out whether Peanut is a boy or a girl we will have a name picked out {but that doesn't mean the name is set in stone- still subject to change}

Cravings: Chick-fil-A & white chocolate hot cocoa

Aversions: Guacamole, Salsa, and leftovers

Symptoms: My back aches have gotten almost unbearable, but I'm still getting through it.  I've been working a lot lately so that's been taxing on my body along with the toll pregnancy has taken. I had some heartburn on and off but it has gone away.

Maternity Clothes: Still stretching my wardrobe {literally} & it's been working out so far. I've come to the conclusion that I need maternity jeans.  My jeans are no longer comfortable.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On. I finally have my wedding band back! My fingers get really swollen in the morning so I have to remember not to fall asleep with my ring on.

Best Moment of the Week: At the beginning of the week we went to the doctor and heard Peanut's heartbeat again.  This time I recorded so I can listen to it whenever I want. It's a very comforting sound.

Worst Moment of the Week: No specific moment, but the moments when my leg tingles and falls asleep because Peanut is sitting on the nerve that connects to my leg.  It's just really uncomfortable.

Looking Forward To: Christmas! I can't wait until Christmas!

Nausea/Sickness: No nausea lately unless I'm walking around for a really long time or don't eat ever couple of hours.

Sleep: Sleep is getting better! It's still not easy for me to sleep at night but I only wake up once at night now and that's been nice.  I still need around 10 hours of sleep.

I'll be honest...I've been really self conscious lately about how "big" I am.  You can definitely tell I'm pregnant, but I haven't left that stage between looking "chubby" and looking pregnant yet so I just feel...bleh. Instead of just having a baby bump, my entire stomach has just expanded like crazy. I keep getting reassured that everyone is different and all that but I'm only human {and a woman} so I have my moments where I compare myself to others and can't believe that I look so...different.  {And it doesn't help when someone who is further along says, "Wow...you're only a couple weeks behind me and you are way bigger than I am." Um...not helpful!} Anyways, sometimes I just need to vent and Kurt does his absolute best to reassure me that I look normal and just fine. But I shouldn't complain- I'm growing my family and expecting the cutest baby of  2015.  No matter what, I just would like a healthy baby and I have just that.

Things are exciting {and overwhelming} and we can't wait to learn and grow more together.  It'll be our last Christmas without any children! I can't believe it!
Thanks for everyone who has been there for Kurt and me during these last couple of weeks. 

P.S. I'm such a planner, so I've been collecting a list of the most needed/best baby items out there.  If you have a preference in brand or you have something that you as a mother can't live without or your baby can't live without, please let me know! Thanks!

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